In Blue for You, a series of cyanotype prints on fragments of a discarded bed sheet as well as discarded paper and cardboard packaging, I explore themes of environmental loss and degradation caused by human intervention.

Use of new materials was kept to a minimum in order to adhere to the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Each cyanotype features either images of endangered local plant life or impressions of found litter. Through researching local flora, I discovered that many plant species are threatened by human activities: recreation, collection, farming, and residential development being among the top reasons. Thus, I decided to create a series highlighting the top locally threatened wildflowers to draw attention toward their current state of endangerment, as well as garbage to reveal one abundant human element that has become integrated into the landscape. By placing trash and endangered wildflowers side-by-side, I encourage self-reflection in the viewer as to how their own daily lives and habits affect the environment around them.


All Wrapped Up